Thank you for your interest in easier access to prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data through integration. We are here to help!

Bamboo Health (FKA Appriss Health) supports PDMP integration in the highlighted states:

Bamboo Health funding map

To apply for Gateway integration, confirm your state is listed below then simply scroll down to follow the instructions located below the list. If you do not see your state listed, please submit the request form located on this page.

✔  Alabama
✔  Alaska
✔  Arizona
✔  Connecticut
✔  Delaware
✔  District of Columbia
✔  Georgia
✔  Idaho
✔  Indiana
✔  Iowa
✔  Kansas
✔  Louisiana
✔  Maine
✔  Massachusetts
✔  Michigan
✔  Minnesota
✔  Missouri
✔  Montana
✔  Nevada
✔  New Hampshire
✔  New Jersey
✔   New Mexico
✔  North Carolina
✔  Oklahoma
✔  Oregon
✔  Puerto Rico
✔  Tennessee
✔  Texas
✔  Virginia
✔  West Virginia
✔  Wyoming

1. Visit the Customer Connect portal at:
  • Click Create an Account in the top right-hand corner.
  • Login and follow the on-screen prompts to provide the needed information for your integration request.
  • Sign all necessary agreements within the portal and complete your application.
2. Upon receipt of your completed application, Bamboo Health will submit your request to the state for final approval.

3. Upon state approval, credentials will be sent to your organization’s primary contact and/or your EHR/PMS vendor, per their onboarding process.

4. A confirmation email will be sent to your healthcare organization’s primary point of contact.

Learn more about NarxCare and PMP Gateway.

Do not fill out this form if the state where you are requesting integration is listed in the column to the left. Instead, see provided instructions on how to create your account and complete your application.

Please submit the request form below, even if you state is not currently participating. By submitting your request, we will be able to notify you if there is a change in your state’s status.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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Ut Enim Minima

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Quo Voluptas

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Consectetur adipiscing elit...

Joanna C.

"Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio!"

Stanley T.

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Danielle W.

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